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Keywords: EU - Turkey Relations

TEPAV: “EU Can Take a Step for the Solution of the Cyprus Problem”
Haber Resim
09/06/2010   ANKARA- TEPAV explained that the adoption of the Direct Trade Regulation to be discussed by the European Parliament on June 10th can be a significant step in terms of both the solution of the Cyprus problem and the lifting of the barriers beyond [More]
Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp Turkey's Visa Policy : Has Turkey given up its demand of free movement in the EU? 
05/02/2010 Turkey has been applying a liberal and flexible visa policy towards its neighboring countries in Caucasus and Middle East for quite some time. As of 2009, visa policy for the following countries was liberalized further and visa requirements were ab [More]
Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp How Do EU Decisions of December 2009 Summit Affect Turkey-EU Negotiation Process?
23/12/2009 The EU General Affairs Council (Foreign Ministers) meeting, whose prospect as an unpleasant turning point in Turkey’s relations with the EU and particularly in the negotiation process had aroused anxiety since 2006, was held quietly on 7-8 Decemb [More]
Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp Lisbon Treaty and Turkey at a First Glance
17/12/2009 The European Union (EU) has taken a significant step in its recent history of integration/deepening with the entry into force of Lisbon Treaty on 1st of December 2009, after a rather long and winding road. The starting point of this process was the [More]
Evaluation Note / Aslı Toksabay Esen New faces in top EU ranks and implications for Turkey
17/12/2009 The Lisbon Treaty, meant to introduce the much-needed reform to improve the institutions, structuring and functioning of the European Union, came into effect on December 1, 2009. A detailed overview of the Treaty, the changes it introduces and the [More]